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Tree Preservation Order: 938 (2023)

Land & car park bordered by Harpsfield Hall,Comet Way,Aldi & Travel Lodge( Land at Former Aerodrome, Comet Way, Hatfield)

for the continued amenity of the area following a review of the landscape

Type Count Identifier Species
Individual 1 Corsican Pine
Individual 1 Corsican Pine
Individual 1 Corsican Pine
Individual 1 Corsican Pine
Individual 1 Corsican Pine
Individual 1 Corsican Pine
Individual 1 Sycamore
Individual 1 Field Maple
Individual 1 Oak
Group 5 Sweet Gum

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Tree Preservation Order - Correspondence
TPO Order_938 (2023)(1).pdf (2361 kb) TPO Order pdf 31/05/2023
Application Number Proposal Decision
6/2024/1707/TPO TG4A (My ref)- Corsican Pine (Your TPO ref = TPO 938 (2023) T2) - Fell to ground level - Reason = Poor condition high risk location TG4B (My ref) - Corsican Pine ( Your TPO ref = TPO 938 (2023) T3) - Fell to ground level - Reason = Poor condition high risk location TG4C (My ref) - Sycamore (Your TPO ref = TPO 938 (2023) T7) - Crown lift to 5m (Current height 12m, spread 6m, no change after works) Reason = Good tree management, prevent nuisance to highway and pavement TG4D (My ref) - Field Maple (Your TPO ref = TPO 301 T14) - Crown lift to 5m (Current height 9m, spread 4m, no change after works) Reason = Good tree management, prevent nuisance to highway and pavement Granted
6/2024/0902/COND Confirmation that Condition 4 (Materials), Condition 5 (landscape), Condition 9 (Recycling), Condition 12 (Water drainage), Condition 13 (Surface water), Condition 14 (Archaeological work), Condition 17 (Street lighting), Condition 19 (Cycle storage), Condition 20 (Highway) on Planning permission S6/2003/1137/OP have been discharged Part Approved / Part Refused
301 2004 -
287 2003 for the continued amenity of the area following a review of the landscape.